Nano Silver Formulas

Why Silver? Keeping our bodies strong is essential to good health. A strong immune system can protect your body and helps us heal. The use of silver has spanned generations, cultures, and continents for centuries. Silversol Technology: We have taken the old technology of colloidal silver and improved it to create the next generation of silver products. SilverSol® was created to improve on current formulas to make them safer and more effective. Through a new manufacturing technology, patented under multiple patents, and patents pending, our advanced nano- silver solution has become the new standard by which all other silver products are measured. We call this new generation of colloidal silver, SilverSol. SilverSol -- Researched in an FDA cleared, double blind human Safety ingestion study. -- SilverSol particles leave the body within 24 hours. -- Each SilverSol nano particle can steal multiple electrons. --Independent studies have shown it to be up to 10x more powerful than other silver products. -- More Stable: Remains stable when frozen or heated. -- More Bioavailable: Continuous particle function and particles are not neutralized like other forms of silver. -- Unique Technology: Metallic nano-particle with a thin, silver-oxide coating. Which simply means, our SilverSol technology has multiple modes of action. Because of this, you need less of our nano-silver particles to accomplish the same thing as you would with other ionic or colloidal silver particles (this results in much less silver ingested comparatively). -- Probiotic friendly