
Nutrigenomic and Epigenetic Testing 


Personalizing Lifestyle, Wellness, & Longevity Roadmap

Personalized diet plan
You will receive a diet plan taking account of more than 850 foods exclusively designed to help you reach your goals.

Genetic factors explanation
By analyzing 363 genetic variations, you will receive a complete report that will help you understand your body better and how to provide it with the right nutrients.

Specialist support
Your nutritionist or healthcare provider will now have a deeper understanding of your genetic characteristics and how they relate to your body weight and diet.

Once in a lifetime test
Your genetic results will not change during your life.

Patients Are More Motivated To Follow A Healthier Diet And Maintain A Healthier Lifestyle When The Dietary Advice Provided Is Personalized And Based On Their Genetic Profile.
  • The kit is delivered to the provider's office or the patient's residence.
  • A buccal cheek swab is performed and a Nutrigen questionnaire are sent for DNA analysis.
  • The patient's sample is processed at designated partnered labs.
  • The patient's sample is processed at designated partnered labs.
  • The results are made available within just 5 to 7 business days.
  • The provider will help you develop personalized lifestyle to thrive for optimal wellness & longevity after reviewing the Nutrigen DNA analysis report.
TRUAGE Collection

    • Biological Age Report
    • Pace of Aging Report
    • Telomere Length Report
    • Weight Loss Response Report
    • Alcohol Consumption Report
    • Smoke Exposure Risk Report
    • Research-Backed Ways to Improve Your Aging
    • Raw, Epigenetic Data
    • Lifetime Guarantee: New Trait Reports Added Upon Discovery
Popular Perks:

All You Have To Do Is Send Us A Small Blood Sample!

Your biological age is more accurate at predicting health span (how healthy you are) and lifespan (how long you will live) than any previous molecular biomarker, and can be correlated to almost any health factor such as physical fitness, socioeconomic status, and drug use history. Ideally, everyone would want their biological age to be less than their chronological age. This means that you are living a lifestyle that is healthy and will help you stay free of sickness and disease longer! If you could reverse your risk of age-related disease and avoid sickness, wouldn’t you want to know how?

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