

Check Out These Frequently Asked Questions

imageWhat kind of diseases can be reversed with plant based whole food lifestyle approach?
Acne Angina Asthma Arthritis Constipation Diabetes Colonic Polyps Diverticulitis
Esophagitis Fibromyalgia Gallstones Gout Headaches Hemorrhoids Irritable Bowel Syndrome Indigestion
Kidney stones Lumbar Spine Syndrome Macular Degeneration High blood pressure Type 2 Diabetes Sexual dysfunction Kidney stones Stroke Uterine Fibroids

It is possible to see signs of reversal, depending on

  • How closely you follow program recommendations
  • How engage yourself in transforming your habits loops and choices
  • How consistently you show up for weekly and biweekly one to one coaching meetups
image How do I know 1 to 1 Plant based whole food Lifestyle and Wholistic Circle is good fit for me?

If you are suffering from one of the above diseases which are result of poor nutrition, excess weight gain and poor lifestyle habits and choices; If you have found yourself stressed in starting and stopping over and over again in past while don’t know what cause to go back to where you started, one to one coaching is right option for you.

image What is scope of our Personalized Coaching practice?

  • While there are infinite possibilities for how Personalized Lifestyle Coaches can help their clients, remember that the role of a Health Coach is not to diagnose, treat, or take responsibility for bringing about wellness changes in a client’s life; rather, he/she guides and supports the development of and progress toward personal wellness goals.
  • We are not Clinical nutritionist, dietitian or nurse to diagnose, treat or mitigate patient disease. I can help patient with mild to moderate health concerns, if complex health concern, we can explore option with health care provider to monitor recovery.
  • I being pharmacist help client about indication of medication and educate them on medication but cannot start or discontinue their medication, Client needs to talk with their doctor related to change or discontinue medications.
  • I am ready to listen my client need for relationship and promote social participation but I don’t promote or guide client for any decision related to divorce or conflicts with friends or families.
  • I promote client to explore nature, self-reflection, breathing practices, meditations, chanting and more but I don’t promote or advise clients related any religious affiliation.

imageWhat is your payment policy?

Orders can be paid for by MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover Card, PayPal, Google pay, Apple pay. Pure Encapsulations, Thorne and Silver Biotics is committed to protecting the privacy of our valued customers.

imageHow long is the program?

Program is up to 12 to 24 weeks; we can meet on weekly or biweekly calls in person or virtually based on client’s personalized situation.

image 5) What is legal disclaimer about our practice related to Lifestyle Coaching, nutritional supplement and Genetic Testing options?

Lifestyle Coaching Medical Disclaimer: THIS WEBSITE IS NOT INTENDED FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING MEDICAL ADVICE. NO INFORMATION ON THIS SITE SHOULD BE USED TO DIAGNOSE TREAT, PREVENT OR CURE ANY DISEASE OR CONDITION. YOU ARE NOT ON THE WEBSITE OF A MEDICAL DOCTOR, DIETICIAN, OR THERAPIST. All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and is provided so that readers can make their own nutrition and health decisions after consulting with their health care provider. This is one of my big themes of taking action for yourself. Making the decision now to change your future. Although I am involved in healthcare and have been for many years, I am not a medical doctor, therapist or dietician. I am not treating or diagnosing any medical conditions. Information provided on this website is not a substitute for routine consultation with your healthcare provider. I recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before making any changes related to a specific condition. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. Nutritional Supplements & Genetic Testing: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. †Provides weight management support as part of a healthy lifestyle with a reduced calorie diet and regular exercise. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and does not establish a doctor-patient relationship.

image Who is provider of NutrigenTM Test?

GX Sciences is the provider of Nutrigenomic Test, all rules, privacy statements are followed as per laws to maintain patient information confidential. 807 Las Cimas pkwy, Suite 145, Autin, TX 78746

image Who is provider of Biological Age Panel and TruAge Epigenetic Collection?

We have partnered with Thorne for Biological Age Panel and TruDiagnostics, The Epigenetic Company is to provide TruAge Complete collection.

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